- Download Data
- Aldabra Marine Programme (AMP) Data Restrictions and Use: All the raw benthic survey data contained in the following AMP digital video files, and the following raw fish survey data contained in AMP Excel files, are the intellectual property of the AMP and can only be used in whole or in part for scholarly purposes. Any intended use of this data must be communicated to AMP by contacting the Co-PI’s Nigel Downing, Ben Stobart and Raymond Buckley in a timely manner using electronic communications
Dr Ben Stobart – aldabraresearch@gmail.com
Dr Ray Buckley – raybuck@uw.edu
- Use of this AMP data must be followed by electronic copies of any resulting documents, reports, and publications using this data. All uses of this data must be cited following the appropriate reference given for the specific data file as presented on the AMP webpage at https://www.aldabra.org/reports-links-&-downloads/
- Aldabra Marine Programme (AMP) Data Restrictions and Use: All the raw benthic survey data contained in the following AMP digital video files, and the following raw fish survey data contained in AMP Excel files, are the intellectual property of the AMP and can only be used in whole or in part for scholarly purposes. Any intended use of this data must be communicated to AMP by contacting the Co-PI’s Nigel Downing, Ben Stobart and Raymond Buckley in a timely manner using electronic communications
Our Sponsors
Seychelles Island Foundation | http://www.sif.sc/ |
Total Fina Elf Foundation | http://www.totalfinaelf.com/fondation/fr/profile/index.htm |
British Airways Assisting Conservation | http://www.britishairways.com/conservation/ |
World of TUI | http://www.tui-environment.com |
Mares | http://www.mares.com/ |
Sea Independence | http://www.sea-independence.com/ |
CORDIO | http://www.cordio.org/ |
ICI Imagedata | http://www.ici.co.uk/iciportal/index.asp |
Cambridge Coastal Research Unit | (CCRU)http://ccru.geog.cam.ac.uk/ |
Shoals of Capricorn | http://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/avenue/aba60/shoals.htm |
Royal Geographical Society | http://www.rgs.org/ |
Padi Project Aware | http://www.padi.co.uk |
The Global Environment Facility | http://www.gefweb.org/ |
Indian Ocean Explorer | http://www.indianoceanexplorer.com/ |
Onset computers | http://www.onsetcomp.com/ |
Friends of the Aldabra Marine Programme
Aldabra Productions | http.//www.aldabraproductions.it |
Virtual Team | http://www.virtualteam.ws |
GOB | http://www.gobmallorca.com/ |
Scubabob | http://www.robertosozzani.it/cont.html |
Angel Fish Charters | http://www.Seychelles-Charter.com |
Coral Reef Links
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) | http://www.aims.gov.au |
Fishbase | http://www.fishbase.org |
NOAA coral health site | http://www.coral.aoml.noaa.gov/ |
Other Relevant Sites
Information on Seychelles | http://www.sey.net/gen_gout.htm |
Seychelles yellow pages | http://www.digitalislands.com/special.html |
Seychelles press | http://www.nation.sc/ |
Nasa visible earth | http://www.visibleearth.nasa.gov/ |
Aigam search engine | http://www.aigam.com/ |
Biodiversity hotspots | http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org/xp/Hotspots/madagascar/ |
Aldabra Marine Programme Presentation Video